
September 1969
The company was established by Hiroshi Yamaguchi (currently chairman) at 1-11 Izumi-cho Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
December 1972
The main office relocated to Sakuma-cho, Kanda.
April 1978
Korea office established as an overseas office.
August 1985

Kanto Kasei Taipei office established as KANTO KASEI TAIWAN LTD.

August 1989

Kanto Kasei Singapore office established as KANTO KASEI(S) PTE LTD.

August 1991

Kanto Kasei HongKong office established as KANTO KASEI (H.K.) LTD.

April 2000
Osaka sales office established.
February 2001
Technical Center established for further technological development.
September 2003
The company awarded first prize of technology from Sony.
November 2003
The main office relocated to Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
October 2009
The capital increased to 500 million yen.
April 2011
The company name changed to KANTO KASEI LTD
September 2017
The main office and Osaka sales office acquired ISO 9001 certification.
April 2018
Osaka Sales Office upgraded to Osaka Branch Office.
September 2019
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the company's founding.
February 2020
Osaka Branch Office relocated to Imabashi, Osaka.
Octorber 2022
Osaka Branch Office relocated to Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka.
June 2024
Received the “Quality Control Excellence Award from Panasonic Industry Co.